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Big tech and inaction to solve misinformation

Every year, especially lately, we are asked, "what is the point of your work - the big tech will build something similar soon anyway". Unlike most solutions targeting the general public, Factiverse AS focuses on finance, media, ESG, training AI models that help find highly relevant and accurate information faster. Despite the growing issue of misinformation, major tech companies have shown minimal action against it. This inaction is concerning, given the rapid escalation of the problem.

🚀What started as "fake news" is now defined as "cognitive warfare". Year after year, we have seen proof of disinformation campaigns to destabilize policies, economies, and governments. TikTok, once a simple app, is now an engine for polarization, spreading harmful misinformation. In 2015, we rolled our eyes at Trump's tweets, and today, wars are happening right in our backyards and fueled with AI-generated deep fake photos.

Misinformation affects various sectors, from stock market volatility due to false company press releases to brand damage from rumours, as seen with 5G and vaccines. The rise of AI-generated content complicates the research process for journalists, analysts, consultants, and the general public. It is a struggle to find reliable and nuanced information. Additionally, new chatbots like Google Bard and ChatGPT refer to their inaccuracies as "hallucinations," a term that downplays the severe nature of the misinformation problem, which our team at Factiverse is actively working to solve.

🤖Lately, our team has been working relentlessly on a plugin directly in ChatGPT to make detecting misleading or biased information in the chatbot easier. It also helps you search Google, Bing, and Semantic Scholar all at once and selects the most relevant sources for you on the topic you are chatting about.

👀If you work with ChatGPT Plus, you can access it at www.gpt.factiverse.ai for a limited 2-week free trial.