Live-Fact Checking the 2nd US Presidential Debate with Factiverse

Factiverse provided a comprehensive, real-time assessment of statements made during last nights US Presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and Former President Donald Trump.

During the debate, Factiverse Live Fact-Checking detected 301 claims made by both presidential candidates as shown in preliminary data.

A finalized dataset and report will be released shortly but in the meantime lets explore what claims Factiverse Live-Fact Checking detected during the debate.

If you are interested in this report, please email to learn more.

UI preview of Factiverse Live-Checking
Factiverse Live-Fact Checking UI Preview

Claims Factiverse Live Fact-Checking detected

Our unique approach to the growing problem of ensuring credibility was capable of analyzing the candidates' claims against Factiverse's unique and constantly updated pool of trusted, verified sources, checking for accuracy, consistency, and context - all in an instant.

Just like the previous debate, the majority of the topics discussed were focused on war, defence, health and economy, while climate change and environment were the least discussed topics. 

Get a first glimpse of the data we managed to gather below.

Let's have look at some of the claims made by each candidate: 

Donald Trump

Kamala Harris

 A video of our product in action

Here you can a short clip from the debate that shows the dialogue from both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump being transcribed while also performing claim detection on that dialogue. All within real time.

The next steps for Factiverse

After several updates since the previous debate, our live fact-checking service was able to accurately transcribe and detect claims for both of the candidates.

We detected 301 claims throughout the debate and we are working with our partners to conduct a more comprehensive analysis of the claims our tool detected. Get a first glimpse of the data we managed to gather below.

Big thanks to all our partners and clients for hands-on feedback and ideation on how to improve this product for future dates.

Message from Factiverse CEO

"As the political landscape continues to evolve, our mission remains the same: to support the media, broadcasters, publishers, analysts, and more with the best tools to analyse information and report that to the public." Maria Amelie, CEO at Factiverse, said.

"Factiverse's technology brings transparency to political discourse, allowing citizens everywhere to cut through the noise and base their decisions on verifiable facts."

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Case Study Analysis
Data Verification
Live Fact-Checking
Headshot of Sean Jacob. Content Writer for factiverse
Sean Jacob
Content Marketing Manager
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